
Ketu Mani Stone Original with Certificate White Metal Pendant with Black Thread

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  • Abhimantrit in Haridwar at the bank of river Maa Ganga.
  • Ketu mani shielding properties are said to ward off negative energies and psychic attacks.
  • Durlabh Ketu Mani Stone Pendant represents knowledge and creativity. Abhimantrit ketu mani helps to remove intellectual, dullness and in obtaining spiritual faith and insight.
  • Natural ketu Mani Stone Locket.
  • Size: 1cm x .3cm x .5cm
  • With Lab Certificate

  • Free Shipping in all India
  • Cash on Delivery eligible.
  • 7 days Returnable

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The Ketu Mani, also known as the Mukta Mani, is a gemstone believed to hold the immense power of Ketu, the south node of the moon in Vedic astrology. This captivating gemstone is renowned for its ability to alleviate the negative effects of Ketu’s influence and amplify its positive ones.

About Ketu Mani:

Ketu is a shadowy planet associated with detachment, spirituality, and liberation from the material world. When Ketu is malefic in your horoscope, it can manifest as challenges, confusion, and a sense of being lost. The Ketu Mani serves as a powerful tool to mitigate these negative influences and usher in a period of self-discovery, spiritual awakening, and liberation.

Who Should Wear a Ketu Mani ?

This mystical gem is particularly beneficial for individuals experiencing the following:

  • Difficulties in achieving goals or overcoming obstacles.
  • Feeling lost or lacking direction in life.
  • Unexplained anxieties, phobias, or fears.
  • Difficulties in relationships or social interactions.
  • Struggles with addictions or obsessive behaviors.
  • Desire for spiritual growth and enlightenment.

Benefits of Wearing a Ketu Mani:

The Ketu Mani offers a multitude benefits, including:

  • Enhanced spiritual awareness and intuition: The gem is believed to deepen your connection to the divine and unlock hidden spiritual potential.
  • Increased mental clarity and focus: Ketu Mani can help clear away confusion and mental fog, allowing you to think clearly and make sound decisions.
  • Improved emotional well-being: The gemstone’s calming influence can help alleviate anxiety, phobias, and negative emotions.
  • Greater self-control and discipline: Ketu Mani is said to instill a sense of discipline and determination, aiding you in achieving your goals.
  • Stronger relationships and social connections: By fostering emotional balance and communication, the gem can improve your interactions with others.
  • Material prosperity and success: Ketu Mani is believed to attract positive energies that can lead to success in your endeavors.
  • Protection from negativity: The gem’s shielding properties are said to ward off negative energies and psychic attacks.

How to Use a Ketu Mani ?

  • Consultation with an Astrologer: It is recommended to consult with a Vedic astrologer to determine if Ketu Mani is compatible with your birth chart and the placement of Ketu in your horoscope.
  • Purification and Energization: Before wearing your Ketu Mani, cleanse it by soaking it in sacred water (like Ganges water) or exposing it to sunlight and moonlight. You can also perform a puja (prayer ceremony) to energize the gem. (Already Abhimantrit).
  • Wearing the Gemstone: Traditionally, Ketu Mani is worn as a pendant or ring. The recommended metal setting is silver or white metal, as it resonates well with the energy of Ketu.

Best Day to Wear a Ketu Mani:

According to Vedic astrology, the most auspicious day to wear a Ketu Mani is Saturday, which is governed by the planet Saturn. Saturn shares a positive connection with Ketu, amplifying the gemstone’s beneficial effects.

FAQs about Ketu Mani:

Question 1: Can anyone wear a Ketu Mani?

Not necessarily. While Ketu Mani offers a range of benefits, consulting with a Vedic astrologer is recommended to ensure its compatibility with your individual horoscope.

Question 2: How long does it take to see the effects of Ketu Mani?

Answer: The timeframe for experiencing the effects of Ketu Mani can vary depending on the individual and the severity of the astrological influences. Some people may experience positive changes within a few weeks, while others may notice a gradual shift over time.

Question 3: Are there any side effects to wearing Ketu Mani?

Answer: In most cases, Ketu Mani is well-tolerated and does not cause any side effects. However, if you experience any discomfort after wearing the gem, it’s best to consult with an astrologer or remove the stone temporarily.

Question 4: How do I care for my Ketu Mani?

Answer: Cleanse your Ketu Mani regularly using sacred water or sunlight and moonlight exposure. You can also perform occasional pujas to maintain its energetic potency.

Question 5: Where can I buy a genuine Ketu Mani?

Answer: It is crucial to purchase your Ketu Mani from a reputable source that deals in authentic gemstones. Look for vendors who provide certification of the stone’s authenticity and quality like us.

SKU: Ketu Mani Stone-HSN-1404 Category:
Weight 12 g
Dimensions 1 x 1 x .5 cm



Pack of


Due to being a natural product, There may be some changes in the measurement, weight and color

Based on 3 reviews

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  1. Rated 5 out of 5


    Best ketu mani. working well to reduce negative energy of Ketu for me.


  2. Rated 5 out of 5

    Ankit kumar

    I bought this abhimantrit ketu mani stone in just Rs.1100 from here. quality of this ketu mani pendant is superb as shown on product detail page. Receive with lab certificate in box packing. Feeling good after wearing this mani.

    Ankit kumar

  3. Rated 5 out of 5

    Virat singh

    its a very tiny stone studded in white metal to solve ketu related issues. Received in beautiful packing with lab certificate and black thread. Working good to solve my problem so i giving this review. Feel free to buy this abhimantrit original ketu mani stone at best price in India. recommended.

    Virat singh

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