
Abhimantrit Meaning in English & Hindi

Get Definition, Translation and Abhimantrit Meaning in English & Hindi:

Below is English meaning of abhimantrit. Yahan abhimantrit ka matlab English mai diya gaya hai. What is Abhimantrit meaning in English ? (Abhimantrit ka English arth, matlab kya hai?)

Abhimantrit Means to Make Something Holy, or Extra Powerful:

By using Ganga Jal with Mantra in Haridwar at the bank of river Maa Ganga. In this process a thing is given a super power to do a certain task by taking Ganga Jal in hand and reading Mantra. Most special weapons are used like this – by taking an ordinary arrow, reading Mantra over it and given special power to it.

हिंदी में अभिमंत्रित का अर्थ क्या है ?:

हिंदी में अभिमंत्रित का मतलब:- हरिद्वार में गंगा जल व मन्त्रों का प्रयोग करके किसी भी वस्तु को शुद्ध, पवित्र, अत्यधिक असरकारक व ताकतवर करना है।

अभिमंत्रित शब्द का हिंदी में यह मतलब होता है
Abhimantrit Meaning in English and Hindi (हिन्दी)

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